In ElastiCenter to create an extra Pool in a particular NODE, we have to perform either one of these:
- Adding a JBOD to that NODE, or
- Adding additional disks to the JBOD already attached to the NODE.
But what if
- We don’t have an extra JBOD, or
- The JBOD is been used in some another ElastiCenter or
- We don’t have extra Disks for the JBOD.
In that case we either had to purchase extra disks or a new JBOD itself which might be a bit costly. But what if I say that we do not have to do any of these and still we can create a Pool for your node. Want to know how, lets find out.
Pools over iSCSI Lun
In ElastiCenter 2.0.0 we have a feature that allows adding a iSCSI Luns to a NODE, which later used to create POOL. In order to do so we have a bunch of steps that need to be performed on ElastiCenter 2.0.0.
- The following steps are performed using two different ElastiCenter setup
- The iSCSI Lun from one of the ElastiCenter is used as a Disk in another ElastiCenter
Configuration Steps
- In Elasticenter, got to HA Groups section and click on Tasks action tab.
In the dropdown you will get a list of tasks, select Manage iSCSI Targets.
In the iSCSI Targets page select the Discover iSCSI Targets option.
Fill the Target IP Address (in this case VSM IP Address) and Authentication Method (Can be CHAP or MUTUAL CHAP) you want to use.
- Once the above step is done the iSCSI Lun will be added to the iSCSI Targets.
Now connect to the iSCSI Lun in order to use it.
You will get the following Job status after the iSCSI Target Lun is connected.
Now go the the NODE, and check the newly added iSCSI Lun in the Shared Storage section.
If the disk is shown as above then proceed with the creation of a POOL.
Why to use it ?
- Using this feature we can add multiple iSCSI Lun of different Vendor’s like Solidfire, Nexenta, etc; to the ElastiCenter and thus can use it as a Data Disk or for some other purposes too.